INCPU 09/09/07 ~ We Need An American President
Hello friends of Israel and fellow prayer partners,
(“International News and Christian Prayer Update” – 09/09/07)
Our goal in sending these updates is that American Christians will continue to have the freedom to share the saving gospel of Jesus Christ as our Lord.
Thank you for joining us in praying concerning the SPP/NAU meetings in Canada. We know God is answering our prayers. Did you hear about the new North Carolina driver’s licenses with the NAU holographic emblem on the back? ~ ‘North American Union Driver’s License Created’ – Also, did you hear that starting 09/03/07, Mexican trucks are driving across our southern border without going through checkpoints? ~ Hoffa: Mexican Trucks are Disaster for U.S. – We care about these political concerns because they affect our freedoms, but please remember our primary goal is to be praying for ministries and people, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and that Christians would continue growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ and blessing Israel as God is setting up the next stage of events. (For more info on sharing the gospel effectively, we encourage you to check out It’s inspiring!)
A curious question: If the Arab/Israeli War (or Iran War) starts sometime soon, which side do you think Pres. Bush will take? If you guessed Israel’s side, then sadly you have missed a lot of news while you were on your summer break. It’s a strange thing what people will do for money. We have heard from several credible sources that President Bush has been strategizing with the Saudi royal family and his other business partners and they are planning to drag our brave men and women of our military into war with Iran ~ because of oil and oil money. As we listen to the news, we could almost think that we are going to war with Iran because of their nuclear weapons, but key officials in the US and Israel point out that Iran isn’t close to having weapons. A couple of weeks ago, I came across an article that pointed out that Iran, Syria, Russia, and China are the last holdouts ~ these four countries are not sharing oil profits with Pres. Bush and his Saudi and other business partners. So, they would like to go to war to take over their oil resources ~ and create a bigger oil monopoly. Here’s the link to that article entitled: ‘Oil and the March to War’ ~ We need to get away from Muslim Terrorist Fuels… so, please keep praying! Petroleum is 150 year old technology and we have several good alternatives. Why should we keep pursuing Muslim Terrorist Fuels?
Other news:
> The Pentagon has supposedly put together a “three-day blitz” strategy to take out the Iranian military. Does anybody really believe it will only be a three day war? Then are we going to rebuild Iran with a Muslim government like we are trying to do in Iraq? We need to keep in mind that Pres. Bush and his team told us that the Iraq war would be quick because of our “shock and awe” strategy, but we are still fighting there – that civil war has been going on for centuries. We don’t trust Pres. Bush or his Saudi business partners in this ‘great strategy’ either. – ‘Pentagon plan: Annihilate Tehran’s military in 3 days’ –
> This war is big business for Pres. Bush’s business friends (you might want to do an internet search on it – some critics of the war are saying that we are giving as much as $720 million a day to various contractors and for military supplies. At the same time, our government is hiding important numbers about our growing national debt: ‘Protesters Confront GOP Cost of War’ - Just last week, we found an article with quotes from Pres. Bush, including him explaining that his real purpose with the ‘Iraq War’ is to try to convince us (Americans) that we need to stay in Iraq beyond 2008. (‘In Book, Bush Peeks Ahead to His Legacy’ – “ “… I’m playing for October-November.” That is when he hopes the Iraq troop increase will finally show enough results to help him achieve the central goal of his remaining time in office: “To get us in a position where the presidential candidates will be comfortable about sustaining a presence,” and, he said later, “stay longer.” ” –
[Editor’s Note: The biggest reason that our country is stuck in Muslim Terrorist Fuels and this cycle of corruption is because of Pres. Bush, V.P. Cheney – and their business partners in Saudi Arabia and business friends in the US – are making a lot of money on all of these deals. But there is HOPE! As we have been seeing lately, God is honoring those who are praying for this country, speaking up against the corruption they see, and blessing Israel! God is putting pressure on their corrupt leadership. We must continue to pray, put pressure on them, and keep praying, trusting that God will turn our nation back to Him. Our nation has been turning its back on God for many years, and it will take some time for us to get back what we have lost. ~ “Zogby Poll: 51% of Americans Want Congress to Probe Bush/Cheney Regarding 9/11 Attacks; Over 30% Seek Immediate Impeachment; 67% also fault 9/11 Commission for not investigating anomalous collapse of World Trade Center 7” ~
> Pres. Bush and his team have been training terrorists under the disguise of trying to boost the image of the head ‘Palestinian’ terrorist and so-called ‘moderate Muslim’, Mahmoud Abbas [aka: well-known terrorist: ‘Abu Mazen’]. Recently, one of the terrorist leaders thanked America for their funds and training ~ ('Fatah Militant: U.S. Training Was Key to Intifada's Success' : “… I do not think that the operations of the Palestinian resistance would have been so successful and would have killed more than one thousand Israelis since 2000 and defeated the Israelis in Gaza without these [American] trainings," a senior officer of President Abbas's Force 17 Presidential Guard unit, Abu Yousuf, said… The training program, which includes courses in the use of weapons, paid with $86.5 million in funding granted to the Palestinian Authority by Congress in April… "On the military level, we received trainings on the use of weapons, all kind of weapons and explosives. We received sniping trainings, work of special units especially as part as what they call the fight against terror. We learned how to put siege, how to break into places where our enemies closed themselves in, how to oppress protest movements, demonstrations, and other activities of opposition…" –
> [The Bush team has convinced the Israeli government that it’s illegal to live in the land God promised to them or even to defend themselves, but instead to give up parts of their land to Muslim terrorists. A case in point is this article about Deputy PM Ramon explains – ‘Ramon: ‘We Promised the US' to Vacate Outposts’ – “( Israel promised the US Administration that it would tear down the "illegal outposts" in Judea and Samaria, Deputy Prime Minister Chaim Ramon told Channel 2 Sunday. "We promised the USA that we would vacate the illegal outposts that were built after March 2001," he said…” ~]
> [Despite pressure from the Pres. Bush team, a majority of Israelis are frustrated with the ‘Disengagement Strategy’ and about their own military forcibly removing fellow Jews from their own homes (and destroying their homes and businesses), as shown in many articles and polls including: “Poll: Israelis now see Gaza pullout as mistake” [In other words, Israelis were fooled into going along with it, and now they see that.] – “A majority of Israelis now see the unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005 as a mistake that has allowed Palestinian terrorists to threaten southern Israel in an unprecedented way…” ~;
> “Poll: Israelis Finished With Withdrawals” - “…even in the case of a what was termed a “real peace deal,” 68 percent of Israelis would not agree to withdraw from the Golan Heights, 53 percent from Judea and Samaria and 86 percent from the Western Wall…” ~;
> “IDF Southern Commander Laments Disengagement” - “… Since the Disengagement, 2,053 Kassams have been launched at Israel," the IDF commander told diplomats and foreign reporters at a Jerusalem briefing. "296 explosive charges have been detonated, 143 attacks carried out against tanks that were outside the security fence - not inside Gaza - and there were 260 incidents of gunfire at IDF forces outside of the fence…” ~".]
> [Editor’s Note: We are grieved that Pres. Bush and his team are supporting the corrupt leadership in Israel: including teaching them how to file distorted legal charges against the respectable people who are trying to expose government corruption. Also, they are using Israeli Prime Minister Olmert and his corrupt team for the Bush/Arab agenda: to give a large percentage of what the Bible calls Judea and Samaria, that the Bush Administration and media call ‘West Bank’ – to the collection of Muslim terrorists called ‘Palestinians’. God will keep His promise to Abraham and His descendants, with us or against us: “I will bless those who bless you and curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” – Genesis 12:3.
> GOOD NEWS! ~ There is a growing group of people in this country that recognize that God’s Word is true and that we must only bless Israel and not put any pressure on Israel to give up the Holy Land that God gave them by covenant! (Genesis 12:3 and Joel 3:2) Our family has found two ministries in Israel that we highly respect ~ and …
> MORE GOOD NEWS ~ ‘ ‘Late, Great USA' No. 8 on N.Y. Times biz list’ “Controversial exposé on North American Union a quick best-seller Corsi's book, which already has reached the No. 1 spot on Amazon's "Nonfiction" list, was No. 28 on the Times overall list last week. Although the book has attracted a firestorm of reader interest nationwide, the Bush administration is less enthusiastic, with Commerce Department spokesman Richard Mills attacking Corsi's analysis comparing what's happening in North America to the stealth process that brought about the European Union over the course of 50 years…”
Also, we have been getting requests from our friends for us to work on a website and we now have one that is up and running. It has news feeds that are automatically updated during the week and we post key news stories and updates somewhat often ~
Last week, we found an article by Chuck Baldwin who has recognized that President Bush and his team have been doing things that haven’t made sense for a number of years. In his insightful opinion-editorial, Pastor Chuck Baldwin points to key ‘fruit’ of President Bush that don’t add up. (see below)
Friends of Israel,
servants of Christ,
The Henry Family
These are news sources that we appreciate for their honesty. We don’t have any formal or informal agreements with any of these organizations, but we highly recommend them. ~ The Henry Family
(If you are not on this e-news update and you would like to be, please email us ~ We love hearing from our friends!)
By Pastor Chuck Baldwin
August 24, 2007
I just finished reading my current copy of The Times Examiner newspaper, which is published by my good friend Bob Dill in Greenville, South Carolina. This is an excellent independent paper that I can heartily recommend to my readers, by the way. I believe one hundred newspapers such as The Times Examiner would go a long way in helping to save this once-great republic. One does not have to live in Greenville to subscribe. I believe it is important that we support those brave, independent men who are fighting to preserve America's historic principles. Bob is doing just that through The Times Examiner newspaper.
Visit The Times Examiner.
In the Examiner, I could not help but notice the report which chronicles the release of a new film "on the life and faith of President Bush." The film is entitled "George W. Bush: FAITH in the White House." According to the report, the film claims that "not since Abe Lincoln has a sitting president talked so much about God as has President Bush."
The article also states, "Like no other president in the history of our nation, George W. Bush boldly, publicly, and genuinely lives out his faith on the job. According to BBC correspondent Justin Webb, 'Nobody spends more time on his knees than George W. Bush. The Bush administration hums to the sound of prayer. Prayer meetings take place day and night. It's not uncommon to see White House functionaries hurrying down corridors carrying Bibles.'"
When I read things such as this, I am reminded of why I wrote a previous column entitled, "Why Are Christians So Gullible?" Christians do seem to be among the most gullible people in the world. And nowhere is this gullibility observed more than in the way Christians relate to politics.
It seems that many Christians are willing to swallow just about anything if it is camouflaged in the garb of "Christianity." And George W. Bush is the ultimate example of this tragic reality.
Are there sincere Christians in subordinate positions within the Bush administration? Of course there are. Some of them may even “[hurry] down corridors carrying Bibles." Karl Rove was a master strategist. He constantly fed the Religious Right mega-helpings of carrots to bring them into the trap. Private phone calls, invitations to dinners and lunches, letters of appreciation, and the employment of many believers are among the many such tactics employed by Rove. But as Jesus plainly told us, "Ye shall know them by their fruits."
I invite readers, especially Christian readers, to take the time to examine the record of George W. Bush. My staff has compiled a very thorough listing of Bush's record, which one may use to examine the "fruit" of this President. To view the Bush record, click here:
Don't get me wrong. Nothing would please me more than to know that our President was a true Christian man. I believe our country is in desperate need of genuine Christian leaders. We need leaders who fear God, leaders who believe in honesty and truth, and leaders who will honor their oaths of office. Then again, I would be pleased to have such a leader in office, regardless of his or her Christian profession. One does not have to be a Christian to fear God, believe in honesty, and take seriously his obligation to obey the U.S. Constitution. In fact, I know some unbelievers whom I would trust much more than I would trust some professing Christians.
And speaking of praying, we know G.W. Bush has participated in prayers to the Muslim god, Allah. In fact, he is the first U.S. President to celebrate Ramadan in the White House. He is the also the first U.S. President to honor the Koran (a book that promotes the killing of non-Muslims) in a presidential inaugural address. And as far as I can tell, he is the first U.S. President to pray in a Shinto temple. So, can someone please tell us exactly which god it is to whom Bush prays?
However, it is President Bush's infatuation with fascism and globalism that should be of utmost concern to all Americans, especially Christians.
Without a doubt, George W. Bush has done more to threaten our constitutional liberties than any President since Woodrow Wilson. (Oh, yes, he claimed to be a Christian, too.) More than that, because Bush has convinced the Religious Right that he is one of them, they are willing to follow him down this pernicious path.
George Bush has allowed America's borders and ports to remain open, not only to illegal aliens, but also to potential terrorists. Our security agencies know that terrorists from the Middle East are coming across our southern border in great numbers. They know that America is just as vulnerable to a terrorist attack as it was before 9/11/01. How can a "Christian" president sleep at night, when he knows that his attempts to appease and accommodate Mexico and China are putting America's safety at risk? Yet, even this week, President Bush was in Canada to push forward with his plans to integrate the United States into a North American Community, which only serves to further facilitate increased illegal immigration.
At the same time that President Bush throws open the door of illegal immigration with its potential for terrorism, he hammers away at the constitutional liberties of the American people. Furthermore, his administration is fraught with secrecy and duplicity. It seems to me that the Bible has a little something to say about honesty.
Just last year, President Bush removed the historic protection of Posse Comitatus, which prevented U.S. troops from being used against American citizens. Would a true Christian do this? Adding more suspicion to an administration laden with suspicion, the Department of Homeland Security is currently enlisting the assistance of pastors to help promote gun confiscation in the event of another terrorist attack. Again, why would a Christian president authorize or condone such a thing? Beyond that, his infatuation with warrantless wiretaps and eavesdropping puts the liberty of every American at risk.
In addition, while claiming to be waging a war on terrorism in Iraq, President Bush is sending hundreds of millions of dollars of arms and munitions to his oil buddies in Saudi Arabia. This is in spite of the fact that Saudi Arabia has been the most aggressive supplier of Islamic terrorist activity of any nation in the world. Have Christians forgotten that the vast majority of the 9/11 hijackers (along with Osama bin Laden) were not from Iraq, or even Iran, but Saudi Arabia?
Even if President Bush is a sincere Christian, he is, more often than not, sincerely wrong. Many would say that Jimmy Carter was a sincere Christian, but evangelical Christians did not give him a pass on bad policy decisions. Why should we give G.W. Bush a pass just because he calls himself a Christian? We shouldn't.
We don't need a President who claims to be a Christian but who runs roughshod over the Constitution and treats the liberties of the American people with frivolity. We don't need a President who says he is a Christian but who calls people who are concerned about his secret agreements with Mexico and Canada "comical." (Which is exactly what Bush said just a few days ago.) We don't need a President who bathes himself in the aura of Christianity but who leads America into an era of imperialism (and that is exactly what the world now perceives about us) with a penchant for preemptive war.
What we need is an old-fashioned AMERICAN President. A President who will put the interests of America above the interests of internationalists. A President who will stop selling out American workers to China and Mexico. A President who will keep his word to support, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. A President who will protect America's borders. A President who will stop using America's fighting men as the world's policemen. A President who is more concerned about the economic well-being of Americans than he is about constructing some "global economy" for the multinational corporations and international bankers. And, yes, a President who believes in telling the American people the truth. Show me a President that will do this, and I will be happy to support him, whether he tells me he prays or attends church or calls himself a Christian or not. And any President who does not do this, George W. Bush included, I will oppose, no matter what he calls himself.
Instead of watching blatantly biased films, which are only designed to deceive and dumb down Christian voters, we should be watching the actual actions and policies of our elected leaders. Perhaps, then, we would not only be less gullible, but we would also be able to hold our leaders accountable to the principles of good government--something most Christians are not doing now.
© 2007 Chuck Baldwin - All Rights Reserved
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Chuck Baldwin is Founder-Pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. In 1985 the church was recognized by President Ronald Reagan for its unusual growth and influence.
Dr. Baldwin is the host of a lively, hard-hitting syndicated radio talk show on the Genesis Communications Network called, "Chuck Baldwin Live" This is a daily, one hour long call-in show in which Dr. Baldwin addresses current event topics from a conservative Christian point of view. Pastor Baldwin writes weekly articles on the internet and newspapers.
To learn more about his radio talk show please visit his web site at: When responding, please include your name, city and state. E-mail: