
Showing posts from October, 2007

"Seeker Friendly Church Leader Admits They Have Done It All Wrong"

Seeker Friendly Church Leader Admits They Have Done It All Wrong October 30, 2007 Bob Burney WC: 1,061 If you are older than 40 the name Benjamin Spock is more than familiar. It was Spock that told an entire generation of parents to take it easy, don’t discipline your children and allow them to express themselves. Discipline, he told us, would warp a child’s fragile ego. Millions followed the guru of child development and he remained unchallenged among child rearing professionals. However, before his death Dr. Spock made an amazing discovery: he was wrong. In fact, he said: We have reared a generation of brats. Parents aren't firm enough with their children for fear of losing their love or incurring their resentment. This is a cruel deprivation that we professionals have imposed on mothers and fathers. Of course, we did it with the best of intentions. We didn't realize until it was too late how our know-it-...

2007 10-28 Baptist writer: Unregenerate church members might spell R.I.P. for SBC

Baptist writer: Unregenerate church members might spell R.I.P. for SBC By Jim Elliff ( Click here for bio and archived articles ) Posted: 10/28/2007 ‘Jesus himself spoke profusely about true and false conversion,’ Jim Elliff says…

INCPU Update: Please 'Sign the Declaration of Solidarity with Israel'

Sign the Declaration of Solidarity with Israel October 22nd, 2007 · I was recently made aware of an online petition currently making the rounds that I would encourage everyone who opposes the surrender of even one inch of the biblical Land of Israel to the Muslim Arab world to sign. The petition comes in two forms: a motion of no-confidence in the Israeli government for Israeli citizens to sign, and a Declaration of Solidarity for non-Israelis to sign. Both, say the organizers of the petition, will act to give courage to Israeli lawmakers to stand up to their out-of-control government that seems bent on capitulating to the enemies of the Jewish state. The petition can be found here: http:// While this petition alone is unlikely to sway Olmert, who insists he is under no obligation to seek even the Knesset’s approval in negotiating away Israel’s birthright, it never hurts to let Israe...

Poll results: 'Whom would you never vote for for US President?'

Poll: Half say they would never vote for Hillary for president Saturday, October 20, 2007 While she is winning wide support in nationwide samples among Democrats in the race for their party’s presidential nomination, half of likely voters nationwide said they would never vote for New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, a new Zogby Interactive poll shows. The online survey of 9,718 likely voters nationwide showed that 50 percent said Clinton would never get their presidential vote. This is up from 46 percent who said they could never vote for Clinton in a Zogby International telephone survey conducted in early March. Older voters are most resistant to Clinton — 59 percent of those age 65 and older said they would never vote for the New York senator, but she is much more acceptable to younger voters: 42 percent of those age 18-29 said they would never vote for Clinton for president. At the other...



Canadians Call For Vote on SPP

Canadians Call For Vote on SPP


THE CHURCH OF APOSTASY By Pastor Chuck Baldwin October 16, 2007 "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition." (II Thess. 2:3) This passage of Scripture has been one of the most subjectively interpreted verses of the entire New Testament. Early Christians believed various Caesars to be the predicted "man of sin." During the Dark Ages and into the Reformation age, many Christians believed various popes to be the predicted "man of sin." In Arabia around 600 AD, many Christians believed Mohammed to be the "man of sin." During our War for Independence, many Christians believed old King George to be the "man of sin." During the Twentieth Century, many Christians wondered if Hitler or Stalin could be the dreaded "man of sin." Today, many Christia...

Rice in Israel this week said: Israel must divide Jerusalem (10-15-2007)

Rice: Israel must divide Jerusalem October 15, 2007 Palestinian officials who met with visiting US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Sunday said they received assurances that the Bush Administration will bring all its weight to bear on Israel to make sure Jerusalem is divided as part of an Israeli-Palestinian final status peace agreement it hopes to oversee at next month's peace summit in Annapolis, Maryland. A senior Palestinian negotiator who took part in the meeting told WorldNetDaily that Rice promised to pressure Israel to halt all Jewish construction in the eastern half of Jerusalem, and to publicly blame Israel for the lack of peace in the region if the upcoming summit breaks down as a result of Israel's failure to surrender the holy city. The government of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has signaled its willingness to turn over Arab-dominated neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem to the Palestinian ...

Based on his statements and fruit: 'Is President Bush A False Convert?'

Dear friends, Mark Cahill is a well-respected Bible teacher in the US. God is using him and his team to be training people how to effectively share the good news of the gospel, the way Jesus did. President Bush has been making making some interesting statement for some times. Recently President Bush made another similar statement in an interview again just last week, and in this gracious yet factual Bible study, Mark Cahill examines that phrase based on God's Word. your friend and a servant of Christ, Steven Henry and the Henry Family David, Barbara, Steven and Paul Henry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is President Bush A False Convert? In an article on the website of WorldNetDaily, I will place the link below, they quoted from an interview President Bush did with a reporter from an Islamic news servi...
PRESIDENT BUSH DEFENDS RAPIST-MURDERER TO APPEASE MEXICO By Pastor Chuck Baldwin October 12, 2007 It seems President George W. Bush will stop at no lengths to appease Mexico and place the United States under international authority. His latest fiasco, however, twists logic, mocks justice, and defies decency. I am referring to the fact that President Bush is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the death penalty of an illegal Mexican alien convicted of brutally raping and murdering two Houston, Texas teenagers back in 1993. ( I wrote about this case already ) Here is Word Net Daily's (WND) latest report of the story: "At issue is the death penalty verdict for Jose Medellin, who confessed in 1993 to participating in the rape and murder of two Houston teenagers. Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena were sodomized and strangled with their shoe laces. Medellin then boasted of keeping one girl's Mickey...

Subject: FW: We'll never forget

Hey Friends of Israel and fellow servants of Christ, We just received this tonight from a Jewish friend. We must stand with Israel and keep our eye on the many business partners in the Bush Administration. God will keep His covenant with Israel, with US or against us. your friends, Friends of Israel, servants of Christ, David, Barbara, Steven and Paul Henry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: FW: We'll never forget shame.......בושה לאנגליה !!! ההודעה מועברת גם בעברית אחרי האנגלתי Disgrace for England ! This week in England every memorial of the holocaust has been removed from the schools study programs, arguing that it hurts the Muslim population that denies the holocaust . That is a sign of an upcoming worldwide disaster, terrifying evidence of how easily countries can give in to anti-Semitism . It has been more than 60 years since the end of World War 2 in Europe as England didn'...


CAN A CHRISTIAN PRAY TO ALLAH? By Pastor Chuck Baldwin October 9, 2007 George W. Bush was twice elected President of the United States with great assistance from evangelical Christians, who, almost universally, believed he was a born-again believer. Many still hold onto that belief. In fact, evangelical Christians compose the bulk of the ever-shrinking base of support Bush has left. This is due almost exclusively to this belief that Bush is a born-again Christian. As a minister of the Gospel for more than three decades, I have witnessed professing Christians do and say just about anything one would associate with unbelief. In fact, nowadays the line dividing believers and unbelievers seems practically nonexistent. I've known unbelievers who are far kinder and more compassionate than many professing believers. In fact, professing Christians are sometimes even meaner and more cantankerous than unbelieve...