INCPU Update: Please 'Sign the Declaration of Solidarity with Israel'

Sign the Declaration of Solidarity with Israel
October 22nd, 2007 ·

I was recently made aware of an online petition currently making the rounds that I would encourage everyone who opposes the surrender of even one inch of the biblical Land of Israel to the Muslim Arab world to sign.

The petition comes in two forms: a motion of no-confidence in the Israeli government for Israeli citizens to sign, and a Declaration of Solidarity for non-Israelis to sign.

Both, say the organizers of the petition, will act to give courage to Israeli lawmakers to stand up to their out-of-control government that seems bent on capitulating to the enemies of the Jewish state.

The petition can be found here: http://

While this petition alone is unlikely to sway Olmert, who insists he is under no obligation to seek even the Knesset’s approval in negotiating away Israel’s birthright, it never hurts to let Israelis know just how many people out there stand firmly with their right to possess all of their God-given heritage.

Also, the website linked above has a wealth of information regarding the true intentions of the “moderate” Palestinian forces Olmert will find himself across the table from in Annapolis next month.
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We remember...
The philosopher Jorge Santayana famously said:
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Do we remember the past?
Do we remember what happened last time around, when we didn’t stand up for the Jewish people?
We, the undersigned citizens of the world, remember.
For pillage and murder, Europe was served on a silver platter.
“Appeasement,” they called it.
Civil liberties vanished across the continent. So did the Jewish people. And millions upon millions of non-Jews, too.
The entire world went to war -- we remember.
We do not wish to repeat that.
We remember, too, the PLO.
We remember a promise of peace. And the violence that followed.
We remember a renewed promise of peace. And the violence that followed.

We remember the Gaza ‘Disengagement.’ And the violence that followed.

And because we remember, we cannot support that the Government of Israel cede any territory to the terrorist enemies of the Jewish people.
Because we remember, we, the undersigned citizens of the world, express our support for our brethren, the citizens of Israel, and for their No-Confidence Motion in the Government of Israel.
~If you wish to add your signature to this declaration, please click below.~
~ Thank you ! ~
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