INCPU update: Annapolis gives Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria to the Arabs

Hello friends of Israel and fellow prayer partners,
(“International News and Christian Prayer Update” – 11/07/07)

Our goal is that American Christians will continue to have the freedom to share the saving gospel of Jesus Christ as our Lord.

Thank you for your part in carrying this country! God is answering our prayers and we are grateful! Many of the spiritual leaders in our country over the past number of decades have allowed a lot of corruption as they have become more ‘politically correct’ and stopped teaching the harder truths of Jesus and the cost of following Him. But the Good News is that God is raising up older leaders and newer leaders who are going back to the foundational truths of the Bible, as well as those leaders that have continued to teach His truth “in season and out of season”. We are grateful to God for this fresh start of a reformation – getting back to the foundational principles of God’s Word like: “the fear of the Lord.

As many of you know, a lot has been happening in our country. The Bush family and the elitists have still been trying to overthrow our government with the help of a majority of congress, but even still, God has been using those who preach righteousness and hold to our constitution to stand up to the lying, deception, greed, etc. and back them down. They haven’t stopped, but says to those who follow Him: “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” (1st John 4:4) May God continue to help us to learn to fear Him more than we want to please ourselves or anyone else!

One other note before we get to the news clips, we encourage you to check out here on our news update site: It doesn’t look fancy, but the news-feeds update daily, and it can be a quick way to get an overview of the news from reliable sources. We also have a list of links that we respect. We have tried to carefully sift through news sources and we respect the ones that we post links of pretty well. Of course, most news sites have a leaning in one direction or another, so we do need to be aware of that as were are getting news from them. Getting a collection of thoughts helps us get a more coherent picture. We hope that helps and if you have thoughts/suggestions/comments, please feel free to email us anytime ~ We love hearing from our friends!

> Below are 2 very important informative articles about the Annapolis ‘Destroy Israel’ convention on November 26th, 2007 - the Monday after Thanksgiving. These articles explain what the world (including the Bush admin.) wants to do to the Israelis – in effect: make them give up Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. But, we know that God has made many promises to the people of Israel, climaxing in His ultimate return to rule and reign in Jerusalem. One example is the Word of the Lord to Zechariah:

“… ‘Thus says the LORD: “I will return to Zion, and dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. Jerusalem shall be called the City of Truth, The Mountain of the LORD of hosts, The Holy Mountain.” Thus says the LORD of hosts: “Old men and old women shall again sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each one with his staff in his hand because of great age… Thus says the LORD of hosts: “If it is marvelous in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these days, will it also be marvelous in My eyes?”, says the LORD of hosts. Thus says the LORD of hosts: “Behold, I will save My people from the land of the east and from the land of the west; I will bring them back, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem…” Thus says the LORD of hosts: “Let your hands be strong, you who have been hearing in these days these words by the mouth of the prophets, who spoke in the day the foundation was laid for the house of the LORD of hosts, that the temple might be built.” ’ ” (Zechariah 8:3-9)

Thank you for joining us in prayer for this nation and Israel. Please continue to bless Israel.

Friends of Israel,
servants of Christ,
The Henry Family


Annapolis insanity
Posted: November 13, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

The U.S. is preparing for a very ominous summit in Annapolis later this month to move the "peace process" forward.

When all is said and done, the word “Annapolis" is going to take on a new meaning from this historic error.

What do I mean?

When we say "Oslo" today, you probably think of this so-called "Middle East peace process" – one that leads inevitably and inexorably to never-ending appeasement of the Islamists by Israel.

That's essentially what the peace process is all about. It's about doing the same things over and over again and somehow expecting different results.

A good word for this process is "insanity."

Unfortunately, I believe when this Annapolis summit is completed, we will look back at Oslo and what has transpired since as "the good old days."

Bottom of Form
Here is what is being decided there:

· The borders between Israel and a future Palestinian state.
· The status of Jerusalem, including those holy places on and adjacent to the Temple Mount.
· The so-called "right of return" for so-called Palestinian "refugees" living outside Israel and the Palestinian areas.

Actually, it's not quite accurate to say these things are being decided there. The truth is they have already been decided. The meeting in Annapolis is a formality where they will be unveiled to the world.

Israeli leadership, if that term is not an oxymoron, has determined to let the Muslims have the Temple Mount, the holiest place in Judaism. It has determined to partition Jerusalem. And it has determined to cut further into the current land of Israel in handing over Judea and Samaria permanently to the Muslims.

The script is written. At Annapolis, Israeli leadership is actually prepared to hand over the Temple Mount to the Muslims – to forsake any claims upon it.

You need to understand the mindset of the Israeli political elite. Christians tend to glamorize these folks. In fact, they are very similar to our own politicians here in America – those who are selling out our own birthright, our own unique heritage as a godly people and nation.

The worst fear of the Israeli political elite has always been – since 1967 when the Jews captured the Temple Mount – the rebuilding of the Temple. Most of them see it as nothing more than silly superstition that has the potential to engulf the world in war.

That's why Moshe Dayan quickly put the Temple Mount under the authority of the Muslims immediately after it was captured, and that's why Ehud Olmert and the rest of them will attempt to give it away permanently in a treaty.

The Israeli political leadership went so far in its desire to rid themselves of this troublesome Temple Mount
they probably broke their own laws in allowing the Muslims to excavate in and around it. They would do almost anything to undermine the nascent hopes of observant Jews that their Temple might actually be rebuilt.

What a strange time for Israel to lie down before its enemies. Not only is the Jewish state worried rightfully about two potential nuclear threats – one from Iran and the other from a chaotic Pakistan – but there are a multitude of conventional threats as well.

Hezbollah has acquired a small number of missiles capable of targeting Tel Aviv's international airport. This, according to sources, is what Hezbollah's Hassan Nasrallah is referring to in recent speeches when he warns of a "colossal surprise" they have in store in the next conflict with Israel.
As Israel prepares to turn over most of Judea and Samaria to the so-called Palestinians, Hamas – also supported by Iran and Syria – is preparing to stage a takeover of the West Bank similar to the coup it staged in the Gaza Strip.

Do you really want to know how crazy U.S. policy is in the face of these and other threats to Israel's survival?

As WND reports today, a senior Palestinian cleric who is a prominent apologist for suicide bombings met last week with U.S. senators and members of the House of Representatives and consulted last month with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Sheikh Taysir Tamimi, chief Palestinian justice, also claimed in a recently released book for which he was interviewed the Torah was "falsified," Jewish and Christian history were "invented," the Jewish Temples never existed, the Al Aqsa Mosque was built by angels, and Abraham, Moses and Jesus were really prophets for Islam.

Presumably nothing can stop this juggernaut for "peace." As a result, mark my words, in the future, "Annapolis" will have a new dark meaning for all of us.


Defend Israel - join an anti-Annapolis summit rally!
November 13th, 2007 ·

I received the following email this week from a man whose US-based ministry has long fought to defend Israel and its biblical right to this land. He and others like him are urgently calling for all Israel-loving Bible believers to make their way to Washington, DC and Annapolis, Maryland to confront the latest satanic attempt to divide this land and thwart God’s plans.

Jerusalem is in danger. The nation of Israel is in danger. Our families and communities are in danger. There is a battle raging, a revolution formulating and it is not focused on the Jews alone. What we see happening in Israel today with the people who refer to themselves as Palestinians is merely a war by proxy aimed at controlling God’s very throne, the place where He said His name would be known FOREVER, Jerusalem, more precisely Mount Moriah - the Temple Mount.

If Islam can dominate the land of Israel and push the Jews into the Mediterranean (which to this day is the stated goal of PLO charter) there will be no stabilizing force to hold back the pan-Arab takeover of the Asian and African Continents, there will be no bridle in the mouth of the descendants of Ishmael who God Himself foretold would be a wild ass among men. Make no mistake about it, Islam is a revolution on a global scale. The Imams are teaching that their pseudo-god provided his faithful followers with an abundant supply of oil to fund the spread of Islam throughout the Earth. The oil is running out with only another twenty years left to accomplish their deed. This, to the point of total domination, where the infidel or unbeliever is only allowed to survive as a slave and is heavily taxed. This can already be seen happening in most of the Islamic countries throughout the world today.

My point is this - Right now the framework is being set for an unprecedented take over of Israel’s biblical inheritance. If Islam takes control of the land now being proposed, not only will there not be peace in the Middle East, the stage will be set for insurrection throughout the world. There is a unique opportunity to make a stand to help protect Israel from Arab aggression while never leaving American soil. We can make a difference, together, at a time when Israel is having her arm twisted by an administration desperate to create a legacy for itself at the expense of the Jewish people.

We can lift our voices in opposition at the front of the White House and at the front gate of the Annapolis Naval Academy. Permits to assemble have been secured at both venues on the dates of the conference in Annapolis. We need voices. We need faithful believers who can come together and say to the mountain of political coercion facing Israel, be removed.

A coalition of Jewish and Christian organizations is working together to rally support for Israel and defend Jerusalem from Arab aggression. The dates for the rallies are November 25 at the White House and the 26th and 27th at Annapolis.

Sincerely,Ed WarmothBuilders of Zion Executive Director
ed@buildersofzion.orgwww.buildersofzion.orgUS Phone: 407-971-7631

These guys clearly understand that this battle is a spiritual one at its root, and that action is needed. Many Christians, even ones who firmly support and love Israel, believe that since everything is ultimately in God’s hands anyway, there is no need for us to take action. This position is wrong. If anything, the Bible teaches us that God desires to accomplish His will through us. He has honored us by inviting us to partner with Him, and we should not miss that opportunity.

If you are able, make every effort to be one of those physically and publicly standing for Israel when later this month the nations of the world again come against her to try and wrest control of the most important and strategic parts of this land.


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