Urgent Prayer Request ~ for Israel and the US!

Dear friends and fellow prayer partners, - May 13th 2008

As you already know, our country is in pretty bad shape and in desperate need of revival and repentance. We do have some improvements to be thankful for. It sounds like the Elitists had to delay the National ID, but we all know they are repackaging it with a different name and still trying to slip it by us. Thank you for your part in praying for our country – it is very essential right now. AND Thank you so much for blessing Israel!!! It’s nice to have a team! : )

Urgent prayer request - Curious, how much do you know about the global peace ‘Facing Tomorrow’ summit going on this week in Israel? Did you know that 15 heads of states and 3,500 wealthy guests are in Israel right now? [Please read all the way to the end of that article. The last part explains 5 trends that are getting ready to change the whole world economic picture: something interesting (and somewhat chilling) about how these Elitists want to adjust things in the global economy, so that India, China, and Russia can emerge more as superpowers, on the same plain as the United States. How? It’s an interesting question the article doesn’t mention.] The article below explains some more about the meetings and who is there for them, but first for a little background on the conference.

These Elitists have been well-organized for many decades. Many of them got and/or get their wealth from Arab oil. They manipulate the UN and other political organizations to make their planned changes. They have established two terror states right next to Israel: Lebanon and Gaza, and now the push is for ‘Palestine’ or a ‘Palestinian’ state, because their Arab oil money partners’ demands. What they are planning does affect us here in the US, at very least adding spiritual confusion and pressure to our country, and their actions and agreements also bring natural disasters on our country.

Shimon Peres, the host of this ‘peace’ conference, is arguably self-serving, probably a criminal, and he is an opponent of the Israelis who want to hold onto the land God gave them by covenant. On June 13, 2007, Peres was installed as the figurehead President of Israel, against the will of the honorable Israelis. Now, Peres has added this to his list of infamous actions: sponsoring another ‘peace conference’ and this time for the world elites. President Bush is openly using Perez to forward the Arab Road Map for oil guarantees [promises]. They’re calling this conference ‘Facing Tomorrow’. Nice name, but what are these meetings about?

These wealthy guests and world leaders have a track-record of pressing, persuading, and/or forcing Israel to give up land in return kickbacks [bribes] to those who work with them. These Elitists are determined to force Israel to give away Judea, Samaria, and part of Jerusalem and more – by whatever means necessary. This is a very evil week against Israel. In the last few weeks before this conference, reports* have been circulating about the criminal acts of the people ruling Israel right now (corrupt Kadima party), and yet the global, greedy Elitists are over there trying to continue to prop up these corrupt leaders and force Israel to give away land that God gave them by an unconditional, everlasting covenant. This criminal, Peres, has invited politicians and big-money types he thinks will be most helpful to advance this disobedient and un-Biblical agenda.

Here are few headlines and a web-links that expose them:
Ø Open Letter to Bush: Save Israel from PA State
Ø Pres. Bush: Olmert is Honest and Abbas is a True Peace Partner
Ø Peres Calls For Palestinian State in Opening Addresshttp://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/Flash.aspx/146491
Ø ‘Blair at Conference: Justice Demands Palestine [a ‘Palestinian’ state]’http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/Flash.aspx/146485
* (for more on the scandals, you can find helpful news articles at www.israelnn.com and www.haaretz.com. Just a note of caution: ‘Jerusalem Post’ is controlled by these greedy Elitists and is not telling the truth about the situation. One example of a scandal that is going on right now is the trying to keep Jonathan Pollard from speaking about the corruption around him and the Israelis are speaking up about it – http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/Flash.aspx/146413. Jonathan Pollard has been slandered and it takes some homework to find out that he really is innocent, but is being held as a U.S. political prisoner for helping our ally Israel.)

We need to keep in mind that God is the one who is allowing the Israelis to return to their homeland (fulfilling many prophecies). All the land they possess they had to buy or acquire when they defended themselves from the wars the Arabs started. Now, these Elitists are trying to pressure/force Israel to give away that land to a group of radical Islamic people who call themselves ‘Palestinians’ – including parts of Jerusalem! These meetings in Israel right now are about Arab oil and the Elitists’ money, and at Israel’s expense too.

So, what does this have to do with us and our country? This is a desperate time for not just Israel, but also our country for one specific reason. If these greedy Elitists (including the Bush Admin team.) get any agreement(s), our country is headed to some very hard times. God’s Word is very clear: He will keep His promise in Genesis 12:3. That promise/covenant with Abraham is of vital interest to God, us and our country: “I will bless those who bless you [Abraham and his descendants: Israel] and curse him who curses you, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” God also warns us in Joel 3:2 that He will enter into judgment with those who divide up His land. Also in Psalm 122, God tells us to: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May they prosper who love you…’

Those of us who are followers of Jesus Christ need to recognize that we have not replaced Israel, but instead, we are grafted into God’s covenant with Abraham. We need to pray for honorable Israelis right now – they need our prayers. We don’t want what happened to Great Britain to happen to us and our beloved country. In the Balfour Agreement (November 2, 1917), which led to Israel in modern time becoming a nation again on May 14th 1948, the huge piece of land (what is now called Jordan) had been promised to Israel, but was given to the Arabs. After this agreement and then Britain’s leadership turned on the Jewish people, the churches in Britain started going empty and becoming spiritually dead – God’s blessing left the country.
We don’t want that to happen here!

Please pray that God tears down all the agreements they are trying to put together against Israel this week. Please also pray for boldness for those brave Israelis who are standing up to these evil meetings, and please pray for protection for those settlers who had the faith to build their homes and businesses in harsh conditions.

We also request that you would send this prayer request to your friends. This is a desperate hour for our country.

Thank you for joining us in praying for Israel and our country!

Your friends, fellow prayer partners,
Friends of Israel, servants of Christ,
The Henry Family


13 heads of state, 3,500 guests - and one Shimon Peres
By Anshel Pfeffer, Haaretz Correspondent
May 12, 2008

U.S. President George W. Bush, former British prime minister Tony Blair and media mogul Rupert Murdoch are among the 13 heads of state and 3,500 guests expected to attend President Shimon Peres' Presidential Conference in Jerusalem.
(Details on the ‘Facing Tomorrow’ Conference (
http://presidentconf.haaretz.com/) are available on www.haaretz.com.)

The conference, which begins Tuesday, is being held in honor of Israel's 60th anniversary.

The conference will bring together people from vastly different fields at the capital's International Convention Center, in what has been called "a celebration of Jewish intellect." Discussion subjects in panels and workshops are to range from medical ethics to "Why the new Middle East is not yet here." The conference budget, $21 million, has been entirely provided by Jewish donors from Israel and elsewhere. U.S. billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who is close to MK Benjamin Netanyahu, contributed $3 million and was named honorary conference president. In the days leading up to the conference, it has been impossible to find any suites in Jerusalem hotels - eight hotels in the city are already fully booked. The International Conference Center, where the opening ceremony will take place, has undergone a massive remodeling. Hundreds of attendants have been hired to cater to the distinguished guests' needs, and a number of special teams have been formed by the Foreign Ministry in order to escort some of the world leaders that will arrive. Fifty representatives will be on call to answer the press' questions, and 400 hotel rooms have been booked for journalists. The organizers of the conference are hoping that Peres' stature will not be overshadowed by the investigation[1] against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Olmert is scheduled to speak to the conference twice. It is not clear whether the publication of the suspicions against Olmert will result in a change of plans. Ex-U.S. diplomat analyzes threats to Israel in run-up to conference In a run-up to the conference, former U.S. deputy secretary of state and treasury Stuart Eizenstat was to present on Monday a position paper on Israel's future to the conference's participants. In the paper, Eisenstat analyzes the main geo-political trends that threaten and effect Israel and the Jewish world. The paper includes ways in which to deal with these issues as well. The first trend Eisenstat discusses is a shift in the world's economic and political power, as the United States will soon no longer be the lone super power. Eisenstat remarks that other players, such as India, China and Russia, will soon become much more influential. The second trend Eisenstat writes of refers to both globalization and the "Clash of Civilizations". The third is the rise of the radical Islam and terror groups. The fourth is on "untraditional" dangers such as nuclear proliferation, global warming and demographics. The fifth and final trend is the rise of a new form of anti-Semitism which is mixed with anti-Israel sentiments.
[Editor’s note: The subtle wording in all 5 of those ‘trends’ does little to disguise that they planning to do that will try to challenge God’s Living Word, the prophecies, and God’s unconditional covenant with Israel.]

"All these main trends will be most challenging to Israel and the Jewish world," summarizes Eisenstat, "but Israel is in a good position. The economy is strong, Israel has an excellent military and the kind of creativity that turns these challenges into opportunities." In order to take advantage of these opportunities, Eisenstat believes Israel must fight the brain drain and invest heavily in education. He adds that in order for Israel to preserve it's Jewish and Democratic identity, it must have internationally accepted borders.
[Editor’s note: Please don’t miss what was just implied – it’s a threat to Israel’s survival, and brutal pressure on Israel to give up land God gave them.]


This article can be found at:

For helpful news updates, we encourage you to check out:
http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/AllFlashes.aspx and


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