INCPU Red Alert – short news clip
Hello brothers and sisters in Christ, and fellow prayer partners and citizen journalists, as you noticed in the title, this is a #RedAlert. This is very scary, but always remember, as you are reading this and watching the next set of pre-planned events unfold, that God answers prayers – and God can defeat any evil plan of satan – any. Read Psalm 91, claim it. It applies directly to those who have a covenant –relationship with God. See also and claim Ephesians 6, and 2nd Thessalonians 2:7. This is the “church age”, this is the time of the dead/lukewarm publicly-seen “church”, and the time of the rapid growth of the honest followers of Christ outside that state-church, and the exponential growth of homeschooling and home-churches, just like God set up.
So, here’s the bad news, and prayer points. Criminal governor #DeSantis (a #murderous #Jesuit) of Florida recently signed a “law” that seemed to be helpful for Florida opening us up so that we could go back to work, and sidestepping the illegal/unconstitutional and non-binding commands of the non-govt corporation called the #CDC (headquarters in Atlanta, GA), that have been #illegally #enforced on we-the-people by the #satanic run #corporations.
Now, bear with me, the details get a little complicated, and then I need to show you some short history to put the whole agenda together. And, for starters, I’m having to quote #liar and #NWO #traitor/ #agent #mason- #Jesuit #AlexJones to give you some of this info. Remember, Alex Jones, who used to pretend to be for the people, has in the last 10 years admitted to being deeply occultic/Rosicrucian, believes the Bible is science-fiction that he and others want to act out, and he deeply supports and defends the worst s*x predators, including the worst one we have ever had in office (illegally though) #Jesuit #Donald #Trump.
What DeSantis did was take secret wording from a 2006 Florida senate bill from 2006 that allows the criminals in power, outside the US Constitution and the Florida Constitution, to force all residents to get the vaccine (yes you read that correctly). My team and I have noticed details in other states, and are sure the rest of the 50 state-governors are doing this same level of treason (investigate to stop it in your state!) Those crimes must be stopped, or the NWO oligarchy will do a mass genocide, or as they have called it for years, a “culling”, or as the Vatican’s “Georgia Guidestones” call it: reducing the world’s population from over 7Billion to under 500Million, which God has promised they *cannot* do during the church age, and will only be able to murder 25% during the coming literal 7-year Tribulation. But facts don’t stop satan or his demons, or his human helpers, the various secret societies of the NWO oligarchy, including CFR and IMF working with/for the Vatican in Rome, for their one-world empire (yes, they are quite literally still fighting for that). But prayers and exposing the evil deeds of satan and his team – do stop them. So, watch and pray and speak up! Like Now?!??!?
So, this bill says, and I quote: “Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health. Individuals who are unable or unwilling to be examined, tested, vaccinated, or treated for reasons of health, religion, or conscience, maybe subjected to isolation and quarantine. A) Examination, testing, vaccination, or treatment may be performed by any qualified person authorized by the State Health Officer. B ) If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation and quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual , the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual. C) Any order of the State Health Officer given to effectuate this paragraph is (“shall be” was crossed out) immediately enforced by law a enforcement officer under s. 381.0012. (point D was skipped, so was point 1, and point 2 was crossed out) E) Individuals who assist the State Health Officer at his or her request on a volunteer basis during a public health emergency are entitled to the benefits specified in s. 110.504(2), (3), (4), and (5).”
Note, apparently martial law and “any means necessary” is the plan of Operation JADE-HELM 2021. That’s the reason for the Red Alert. Also note that the State Health Officer has been appointed as an illegal czar just like the Nazi German Bush/Scherff family did – posts that are not in any way protected or defended by the US Constitution or state constitutions, but are physically dangerous to a Vatican-run Inquisition designed to murder Jews and Christians. Yes, you read that right.
Liar AJ and team also note this:
“Under Section 315 of Chapter 381 of Florida’s ‘Public Health’ statute, Title XXIX, individuals can be subjected to quarantine or isolation if they refuse to be examined, tested, vaccinated or treated during a public health emergency such as COVID-19.”
If you want to see the screenshot and investigate further, by all means, please do! You can find it at the traitor Alex Jones’ new site. Here is the link:
To explain what’s going on, I have to start back with the #TrumpCard in 2017. This is something liar Alex will not do – because he is partnered with and friends of the Jesuits who are banned in over 60 countries for this very type of subterfuge and sabotage.
Rewind to May 2017. In May of 2017, Jesuit Trump, usurper in chief, was making his rounds as “world leader”, and he made many significant trips and speeches. One of those speeches he made was at the Arab League, though the “news” has altered that info and now pretends he just met with Saudi Arabia. In that speech that Jesuit/traitor Trump gave, he promised to the Vatican and Arabs to drive out the “extremists” from the cities and then to isolate and murder them. For that, the “pope” gave Jesuit Trump his “blessing”.
Then in November 2017, Trump gave huge “early Christmas” bonuses to his generals, then he and his team did their best to cover it up. Those bonuses were to use soldiers to enforce the NWO mass-murder agendas on the US and the world, but because they were caught, they had to hide longer, but they kept scheming and planning. When Trump couldn’t pull off the rest of the Vatican’s mass-murder scheme here in the US, he handed it to his “friend” Joe Biden to continue, which Biden and team continue to do. Both the houses of congress and both sets of parties are all working in this together – with many bribes being given. The only that stops them and exposes them for their crimes is prayer and preachers of righteousness calling out murderers and liars, and their state-clergy who try to deceive and smooth it over. But the only thing that will stop this silent vengeful satanic team is arrests and prosecutions for their crimes, especially their s*x crimes. If you find an abusive and traitorous leader, investigate his s*x crimes – immoral sins harden the heart in ways no other sin does. You can prosecute each of them for those sins/crimes.
When Trump’s schemes got caught, he had to really play up the disinfo to confuse everyone who was paying attention, including this piece where supposed Trump mocks generals who won’t join Rome’s “holy war”… he of course is mocking those who won’t join his/pope’s “holy war”, but he isn’t fighting all generals, many are still working on this agenda, more secretly.
And adding to the whole point here and bringing it to conclusion, recently the NWO oligarchy met at the G7 and discussed how to mass-murder and get away with it, and to push forward to their one-world government plan. While there, some of the members brought a special cake for the very wicked Rome-agent and occultic queen of England, who is about to turn 95. What the cake said? I don’t know, but if you figure it out, let us know. What did stand out though, and all of the fakestream “news” pretended it was a joke, was when the evil queen cut that large cake with a sword borrowed from what looks like a marine nearby. There were strawberries all around the base of the cake, and when cut, it would leave a trail of what looks like blood. That may sound off-topic for those who don’t understand illuminati card-tricks or pre-planned occultic/satanic ceremonies to look like “celebrations”, but it was indeed the same topic – promising each other that they had finally found satan’s approval and could mass-murder like their evil hearts desired.
Conclusion? Expect JADE-HELM to be the next level of murder from the OperationCOVID and them to try to force you and your loved ones to get death-shots and die or be several injured/maimed for life. Yes, it’s that scary. #WatchAndPray. #ResistEvil. #WarnOthers.
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~ Watching, Preaching, Praying, SH with the INCPU News team