Hubs of Sex-slave trade lists and bibliography


Introductory notes:

If you look at international maps of the human trafficking problem (sex-slave trade and kidnapping, etc), you would think that Russia and other locations are a huge problem, but the US is almost no problem at all. And yet most of the NWO leaders who cause the problems worldwide live here in the US. They just work overtime to keep their scandals a secret. It's time to change that. Honest followers of Jesus Christ need to be careful to not falsely accuse people, but we need to stop being ignorant and simple-minded too. 2nd Corinthians 5 explains that God has committed the work of dealing with evil to those who are His children - adopted through Jesus Christ. And, Ephesians 5:11-13 commands us to expose evil deeds (discreetly). John 3:16-21 is another confirmation passage too - Jesus' teachings to Nicodemus. It's time to speak up against evil we see, and start finding ways to stand up to abusers and protect those they are abusing. Romans 1 makes it clear that God's wrath is against all sexual sins - the deeper the sin, the longer the consequences God issues. There is forgiveness, but that doesn't delete the consequences from God, the Creator and Judge, against those sins. We need to, as honest followers of Christ, expose the clergy, govt leaders, police, and employers, etc who are abusing people in ways that have long been overlooked, but the Bible clearly explains need to be correct. Let's #StartConversations! #SpeakUp#ItsGoingToTakeATeam! ~ Praying God's blessing on all of those who are already active in exposing evil and rebuking it and praying against it. May God grow that team! ~ Watching, Preaching, Praying, your growing bro, a team-leader of the J&R team (Jacob&Rachel).




Several books that expose many locations of this network (as for as the elites sex-slave trade (including Disney and Washington DC:

> "Thanks for the Memories" ("Bryce Taylor")



> "Tranceformation of America" (Cathy Burns)


"Land of the Free, A prayer guide to end  human trafficking in America"  by Nicholas Canuso. Mr. Canuso is part of the NAR and IHOP both groups are  highly disrespectable and liars, even pushing outward religious shows to fool the gullible. So, my suggestion if you read his book is reject his "religious" stuff and fake "prayers", but you can glean a lot from his research. It confirms what I have found through others sources.


"God in a Brothel" by Daniel Walker - an undercover agent who helped to some extent break up many sex-trafficking hubs and to free many ladies and children from them... but was immoral enough times to ruin his own marriage in the process. Still plenty to glean from in this book.


"Stolen"  by Katarina Rosenblatt


"Chocolate Flowers" by Jori Nunes


There are more resources and testimonies on this, but this is a short list. If you need more, just ask.




Proof of the booming high-level sex-slave trade in the US:

Baltimore, MD


Sturgis, SD & Deadwood, SH


Omaha, NE

look up "franklin-scandal" on "What Realy Happened" (FB blocks this link, so I had to remove it to post it)


Memphis, TN


Hollywood, CA


Los Angeles, CA


Denver, CO




Nashville, TN






Washington DC





National online scandals

>>  Ashley Madison scandal







>> online porn industry





A site to glean from, but not to take 100%, maybe less than 75%


[Lord-willing, more to come soon - more places and categories to be listed as the tips come in and we can further research them.]


*** ** ***


This is a free and growing resource of the Jacob&Rachel team. You are welcome to share it and quote it intact. If you alter it in any significant way, please don't name this team. ~ Watching, Preaching, Praying, your growing bro, SH



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