a reply to Christians who close their eyes about the Ravi scandal and the other leaders who are trying to cover up the gross sins and the clues we all should have taken more seriously. This one is specifically correcting Ray Comfort.  




*sigh* (unnamed lady), your lack of deep discernment and holding loud ministry leaders accountable is really showing. And yes, you are chewing me out (politely) for exposing the apostasy that you could see right in front of your eyes... but you aren't... which is very grievous.  


With that said, please allow me to review some facts that you have not noticed, apparently. 


"New sexual misconduct claims surface about Ravi Zacharias" 



"Ravi Zacharias Hid Hundreds of Pictures of Women, Abuse During Massages, and a Rape Allegation" 



Damning report concludes prominent evangelist Ravi Zacharias sexually abused women for years 



"Video: Victim of Ravi Zacharias Publishes Emotional Statement" 



"Documents Show Ravi’s Personal Massage Therapist was Employed by RZIM & Directed Dubious Ministry" 



If you actually read all of that, you will see that this clear apostasy of Ravi puts him in Hell forever as he was pretending to be not just a "Christian", but a "Christian leader" with a "facts-based" false gospel, and Jude and 2nd Peter are very clear that anyone who lives this way is in Hell - forever. They are brute beasts, having seared their consciences, but pretend to be religious leaders for money. If those verses are not familiar to you, you really need to double your  and studies in your Bible.  


Now... with those facts established, what does Ray say about this? 3 lines, that's it.  


Direct quote: 

"A man is either ignorant or a fool who thinks he will find honey in a  nest. Mess with a nest and the odds are wasps will chase you and possibly sting you to death. 


Ravi’s wasps chased him into his home, into his ministry, and then stung and stunned millions of his faithful followers. 


The RZIM Ministry Board of Directors recently released an open letter regarding the investigation of misconduct." 



Notice, Ray clearly stated that some "wasps" chased Ravi into his  and stung him... what? Ravi had been sending perverse messages to ladies for years. Ravi had been molesting and raping ladies for years. "wasps"?... wow. Let me note something else Ray did in diminishing this too. He says that Ravi was looking for "honey"... what did he even mean by that? Do you want to elaborate? I don't. Ray is caught here showing that s*x jokes that Ravi did and the worldliness and love of this world that many saw from Ravi supposedly was "not a problem". Except to God. Because while Ray has been crashing for years with a lesser and lesser gospel message, God's Word stands and warns us about the apostasy of men like Ray. He's a cloud without rain (Jude 1:12). Ray cannot excuse or gloss over the s*x-crimes and diminish Ravi's "mistake" to being too focused on intellectualism. Ray is caught covering. Yes, I have heard some of Ravi's past s*x jokes and way-off-color comments - I'm a witness. But did Ray correct that? No. He covered it up. That's where he's guilty before God. We should have all seen it when Ray partnered with other pervert-mouths like Mark Spence and even being on word-of-faith false prophetess Joyce Meyers' show. We should have seen Ray was falling then. We can see it now, but only if we keep our eyes open, not by closing them.  


You have a pattern of chewing out the messenger, but not for doing your own research. You fall for the emotional high of men you promote to idol-status. You need to change that. No man or woman is above God's Word - all must be held accountable to that. Your harsh words against me (again) are out of place. Will you retract them? 


a growing follower of Christ, Steven.


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